Some articles and communications of interest:

“Development of Celtic pork chorizo ​​without additives. Effect on composition and stability during useful life” published in the journal Eurocarne (2024, nº326; pages 83-92). The article was prepared by the CTC in collaboration with O Rualdi.

Domínguez-Valencia et al. (2024) Development of Celtic pork sausage without additives. Euromeat

Development of Galician chorizo ​​without additives. Evolution of physicochemical and oxidative parameters ” presented at the XII National CyTA-CESIA Congress, held between April 2 and 4, in Barcelona.


Evolution of physicochemical and oxidative parameters in clean label dry-cured sausages ” presented at the 1st ICSREFE24 International Congress, held between May 29 and 31, in Agadir, Morocco.

Domínguez-Abstract-Clean Label Food

“Effect of “chorizo” formulation (clean label vs. Traditional) on the chemical composition, color and lipid stability during the storage period ” presented at the 70th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology (ICoMST), held between August 18th and 23rd, in Foz do Iguassu, Brazil.

Domínguez_Rubén_ORualdi Icomst 2024

“Effect of “chorizo” formulation (clean label vs. Traditional) on the chemical composition, color and lipid stability during the storage period ” presented at the XIV International Congress of the Iberian Congress on Animal Genetic Resources, held between September 12 and 14, in Vila Real, Portugal.

Poster-Domínguez_Rubén_ORualdi-SPREGA 2024